The depth and unsurpassed broadness of Pareto's contributions are illustrated in the following historical sources, which also give some biographical information:
- Luigi Amoroso, "Vilfredo Pareto", Econometrica 6 (1938): 1-21.
- Manon Michels Einaudi, "Pareto as I Knew Him", Atlantic Monthly 156 (1935): 336-46.
- Talcott Parsons, "Review of The Mind and Society", American Sociological Review 1 (1936): 139-48.
- Umberto Ricci, "Pareto and Pure Economics", Review of Economic Studies 1 (1933): 3-21.
- Joseph Schumpeter, "Vilfredo Pareto", Quarterly Journal of Economics 63 (1949): 147-73.
More recent accounts of Pareto’s contributions can be found in:
- John Chipman, "The Paretian Heritage", Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales et Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto 14 (1976): 65-171.
- Roberto Marchionatti and Enrico Gambino, "Pareto and Political Economy as a Science: Methodological Revolution and Analytical Advances in Economic Theory in the 1890s", Journal of Political Economy 105 (1997): 1322-48.
Here you find a Chronological bibliography of the writings of Vilfredo Pareto, prepared by Fiorenzo Mornati and posted with kind permission from Droz, Geneve.