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CANCELLED: Fengshi Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

10 April 2013 @ 16:00


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10 April 2013
Event Category:

“The ideational dimension of civil society: an empirical study ofChinese activists and NGO leaders”

(at Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE), University of Torino, Lungodora Siena 100/a, classroom D4)


Despite recent policy changes, governmental monitoring and control of grassroots NGOs remain pervasive and effective to a large extent in China. The enforcement of control over NGOs is complicated by at least three layers of factors: First, multiple agencies are involved in NGO control without a centralised norm. Second, government-NGO interactions vary across cases and are deeply rooted in local political contexts. Last, but not least, since the NGO community at its origin is highly diverse, NGOs’ responses to various types of governmental control differ, which in turn triggers further complications. The main findings of this research are based on interviews with 60 NGO staff, as well as with civil affairs officials in 17 provinces from January 2011 to May 2012.