[Academic Events] Workshop Climate Change, Credit Risk and Covid-19
Organised by LTI@UniTO and EDHEC-Risk Institute
[Outreach Events] Workshop “Affrontare il divario di genere in matematica in Piemonte”
Organizzato da Università di Torino e Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop LTI@Unito 3rd Asset Pricing Conference
One-day online conference
[Academic Events] Workshop Restricted Internal Event: Covid-19 Projects Financed by CCA
Internal Presentations
[Academic Events] Schools, Workshop NASP-Collegio Carlo Alberto Days
organizaed by he Ph.D. programs in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies and Political Studies at the University of Milan and CCA
[Academic Events] Collegio Aperto, Workshop Migration Observatory 4th Annual Conference
"The drivers and consequences of migration restrictions and border enforcement"
Workshop Workshop on Labour Market Policies and Dynamics
The workshop is a joint initiative of: Youth employment partnerSHIP: evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland Research project of the Collegio Carlo Alberto funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment Young in, Old out. Demography and Labor Policy Research project of the University of…
[Academic Events] Workshop Anticipare il futuro: Futures Studies & Strategic Foresight
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on “The light that failed”
The new book by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes.
[Academic Events] Workshop 12th PhD Workshop in Economics
Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics Keynote Lecturers: Joan Llull (UAB, Barcellona) Paolo Ghirardato (University of Torino and Fond. Collegio Carlo Alberto)
[Academic Events] Workshop Second Asset Pricing Conference by LTI
This one-day conference on October 8th 2019, hosted by the Collegio Carlo Alberto, aims to promote the highest level and up-to-date research in asset pricing within the European academic community. Speakers and discussants are selected among the most innovative junior researchers and established scholars. Call for Job Market Paper One presentation slot is devoted to…
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop: “Trade Wars and Global Crises: The Outlook for Emerging and Advanced Countries”
Campus Luigi Einaudijointly organized by OEET and AISSEC
[Academic Events] Workshop 7th LSGL Academic Conference 2019: Global Legal Approach to Immigration
Campus Luigi EinaudiWelcome Greetings Raffaele Caterina | Dean, Department of Law, University of Turin Amnon Lehavi | Dean, Harry Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya; Co-President LSGL Chair Alessandra Venturini | Professor of Political Economy, Department of Law, University of Turin Gonçalo Nuno da Cruz Saraiva Matias | Dean, Catolica Global School of Law; Co-President LSGL Carlotta Sami…
[Academic Events] Workshop Long Term Investment e Fondi ELTIF
Ersel, Piazza Solferino 11, TorinoIl trasferimento del risparmio all'economia reale.