PhD in Economics, Royal Holloway College, University of London, 2008
Research Interests
Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Prosocial Behavior, Other-regarding Preferences
Experimental Economics
Behavioral Economics applied to Organizations
Selected Works
"Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from the Field," Management Science, Vol. 63(11), p. 3691-3707 (with P. Dalton and J. Vargas)
"On Blame and Reciprocity: an Experimental Study," Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 169: 62- 92 (with B. Celen & A. Schotter)
"Preferences and Beliefs in a Sequential Social Dilemma: A Within-Subjects Analysis" Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 87: 122-135 (with D. Engelmann, A. Koch & H. Normann)