CSBC CCA Behavioral Development Unit

Committed to advancing research and improving lives through behaviour science.

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Intervention Design Competition for Uttar Pradesh

Are you passionate about creating impactful solutions to address critical health and social issues? The Behavioural Development Unit (BDU) invites you to participate in our Intervention Design Competition, aimed at fostering innovative approaches to tackle key challenges in Uttar Pradesh, India.

We challenge Economics Ph.D. and Master students of the CCA community to design a behavioural intervention targeting one of the following areas:

  • Health (early childhood nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, IFA tablet uptake among pregnant women or adolescents, deworming tablet adherence through school programs, fetal heart rate monitoring in government health facilities)
  • Zero vaccine children
  • Gender norms, domestic violence and intimate partner violence, and women’s labor force participation
  • Road safety

Whether it's through nudges, choice architecture, norm change communication, or other innovative strategies, we're looking for proposals that can make a real difference in the lives of people in Uttar Pradesh.

Students are invited to present their ideas during a forthcoming BDU online meeting scheduled for March 28, 2024. Following insightful feedback and recommendations provided by unit members, students are tasked with refining their concepts into the framework of a research grant proposal, encompassing 5 to 10 pages, to be submitted no later than April 30th, 2024 (please send it e.esposito@unito.it).

The proposal deemed most auspicious will be chosen, allowing students to continue their development within the auspices of the BDU and subsequently submit them for international funding consideration.

Interested students, please write to e.esposito@unito.it. Looking forward to hearing from you!