Our people are CCA resident scholars and/or affiliates of CCA Finance entities (CeRP and LTI@unito). They usually hold a local academic position, the majority at the Department of Economics, Social Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (ESOMAS) of the University of Torino. You may check the full affiliation clicking on the scholar's name. CCA Finance also hosts visiting faculty and the AXA Chair in Socio-economic risks.
Scholars and Affiliates
Tiziano De Angelis
Mathematical Finance, Insurance Mathematics, Stochastic Control and Stopping, Stochastic Games
Matteo Migheli
CeRP Research Associate
International Finance and Development , Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Federico Ravenna
Intesa Sanpaolo Chair in Economics
Optimal Monetary Policy, International Finance, Macroeconometrics
Lorenzo Schoenleber
Assistant Professor
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Empirical Asset Pricing, Option-Implied Information
Visiting Scholars
Fabio Trojani
Axa Chair in Socio-economic risks of financial markets, University of Turin