CCA issues 2020-22 Activity Report
In spite of the many challenges the world has faced in the last three years, in the 2020-2022 mandate CCA consolidated its reputation as a top international research and education centre, also launching new strategic projects, in dialogue and collaboration with our founding partners, the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin.
The CCA’s 2020-22 Activity Report aims both to present the activities that CCA carried out over the past three years and to pinpoint its key achievements to the benefit of the larger community.
In this period, the 3 areas of CCA’s mission – research, education and outreach – developed significantly: our Faculty achieved an outstanding level of publications in top-field scientific journals, our education programmes kept thriving, and our outreach initiatives boosted.
Here are some figures:
• 66 Faculty members (as of Dec. 2022)
• 367 scientific articles (equal to one every 3 days!), 46% more than 2017-20
• 14 competitive projects funded
• 169/yr students (avg.) enrolled in our education programmes
• 607 online and on-site events, involving about 3,000 people under 35 y.o.
These remarkable results have been achieved thanks to the work and dedication of CCA’s Governance, Faculty, and Staff. As we move forward, we know we can rely on their excellent results.
Read the full report (in Italian)