This section showcases ideas, projects, events and other initiatives proposed by the Allievi.
The Associazione Allievi
The Associazione Allievi della Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto was founded on 18th January 2019 by a group of students of the Allievi Honors Program to help strengthen the relations and exchange of ideas among the Allievi and between them and the Faculty of the Collegio. The Association also aims at fostering the relations with the Alumni.
Governing bodies of the Association are the Board of Directors and the Assembly.
Members of the Board of Directors
Matteo Burzio
Monica di Muro, President
Anna Lalloni, Vice-President
Edoardo Lanzetti
Pietro Lovisetto, Treasurer
Sofia Masciarelli, Secretary
Alessandro Perga
Serena Robino
Stefano Sperti
The association organises events and activities for the Allievi or that are open to the public. Activities carried out include meetings with alumni and job fairs.
Activities in 2023
- participation in the 2023 edition of the European Youth Event (EYE), organized biennially by the European Parliament in Strasbourg
- Festival Internazionale dell'Economia di Torino "L'Odissea dei giovani. Rischi e prospettive della società globalizzata"
Activities in previous years
- Tavola rotonda “Educazione finanziaria: i diversi approcci didattici e le esternalità macroeconomiche”
- Festival Internazionale dell'economia di Torino: "L’EDUCAZIONE TRA MERITO E DISUGUAGLIANZE"
- Understanding Forecasting
- Non è mai troppo presto. Cosa serve sapere per una pensione sicura
- Giornata Mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne
- Summer school for high school students