PhD in Economics, University of Essex, 2003
Research Interests
Labor Economics, Economic Inequality, Income Distribution and Poverty, Microeconometrics, Development and Analysis of Longitudinal Matched Employer-employee Data.
Professor of Economics, University of Torino
Selected Works
- Identifying Sorting in Practice, with Cristian Bartolucci and Ignacio Monzon, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(4), 2018.
- Rent sharing, hold-up and wages: evidence from matched employer-employee data (with D. Card and A. Maida), The Review of Economic Studies, 81 (1), 2014.
- Downward Wage Rigidity In Italy: Micro-Based Measures And Implications, The Economic Journal (2007), no. 117, with A. Maida and P. Sestito. Read the media briefing of the Royal Economic Society: click here