Phd in Development Economics, University of Florence
Research Interests
Development economics, Firms, Trade, African economies
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Turin
Programme Associate & Visiting Fellow, Global Governance Programme, European University Insitute
Research Fellow, IOB - University of Antwerp
Selected Works
Chinese Official Finance and Political Participation in Africa, European Economic Review, 136:1-28, 2021, with F. Iacoella, B. Martorano, L. Metzger.
- Markup Dispersion and Firm Entry, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 83 (2): 299-327, 2021, with K.A. Damoah, G. Giovannetti.
- Trade Liberalization, Roads and Firm Productivity, Journal of Development Economics, 153: 1-18, 2021 (with M. Fiorini and A. Sundaram)