Laurea in Economics, University of Torino
Research Interests
Simulation models for economics
Professor of Economics, University of Torino, retired
Selected Works
- N. Bellomo, D. A. Knopoff, and P. Terna (2020). Special issue “Kinetic theory and swarming tools to modeling complex systems-symmetry problems in the science of living systems”-editorial and research perspectives. Symmetry, 12(3),doi: 10.3390/sym12030456.
- M. Mazzoli, M. Morini, and P. Terna (2019e). Rethinking Macroe-conomics with Endogenous Market Structure. Cambridge University Press.
- G. Pescarmona, P. Terna, A. Acquadro, P. Pescarmona, G. Russo, E. Sulis, and S. Terna. An Agent-Based Model of COVID-19 Diffusion to Plan and Evaluate Intervention Policies, 2021. URL

Honorary Fellow
Coauthor of a program of 7 Lectures for PhD Students and Young Researchers on Collective Dynamics in Science and Society, by Nicola Bellomo, Diletta Burini, Giovanni Dosi, Livio Gibelli, Damian A. Knopoff, Pietro Terna, Nisrine Outada, Maria E. Virgillito