LTI@Unito organizes the Third Edition of the Executive Program on Long-Term Investing. It is an executive education program taught by an international faculty of top-level professionals and academics, to spread long-term investment values and competences among executives. The programme can be attended both on-campus and online.

  • Objective: discuss tools, methods and techniques of long-term investing.
  • Target audience: executive mid and senior staff of Long-Term Investors (foundations, insurance companies, pension funds) and asset managers dealing with long-term investors.
  • Duration: 6 modules, one per month, three days per module.

Starting date: January, 2021.

Long-Term Investors@Unito Education complete 2021

Modules are self-contained, single modules can be attended.

The three “Investor-specific” modules analyze different types of long-term institutional investors, their role in financial markets, and provide the participants with technical tools regarding liability-driven assetallocation, ALM and risk management.

The three “Cross-investors” modules, targeted to professionals with all backgrounds, provide a focus on asset classes which typically match LTIs’ horizon and goals (alternative assets and private markets, ESG and impact investment) and explore the main innovative trends in the financial industry.

  • Cost: 7500 euros (full programme); 5200 euro (1 “Investor-Specific” + 3 “Cross-Investors” modules); 4000 euros (3 modules); 1500 euro (single module).

For more information, contact us at


Intervista Focus Risparmio, Cornelli (Northwestern University): "Investire nei private market: un’occasione di lungo termine"

Intervista Focus Risparmio, Grande (Bankitalia): "L’interesse per i mercati privati è destinato a continuare"


Executive Program A.Y. 2021

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