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Ekaterina L. Markova, Ambra Poggi, Karin Sardadvar and Claudia Villosio. "Low-Paid but Satisfied? How Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Workers in Low-Wage Jobs Make Sense of Their Wages," in "Hard Work in New Jobs", 151-168, 2015.
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Giovanni Pistone. "Natural Gradient Flow in the Mixture Geometry of a Discrete Exponential Family," Entropy, 7(6): 4215-4254, 2015.
Ambra Poggi and Claudia Villosio. "Subjective Well-Being at the Workplace," in "Hard Work in New Jobs", 70-83, 2015.
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Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini, Michele Sonnessa, Pietro Terna. "Agent-based Models of the Economy. From Theories to Applications," Palgrave Macmillan, June 2015. The book is also related to the simulation code at https://github.com/terna/SLAPP