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ABC workshop “Homo Heuristicus: Decision Making in the Wild”

21 June 2023 @ 09:30 - 23 June 2023 @ 16:00


  • Past event


21 June 2023 @ 09:30
23 June 2023 @ 16:00
Event Category:
Hosted Events

ABC workshop

“Homo Heuristicus: Decision Making in the Wild”


Wednesday 21 June

09:30 am | Paolo Ghirardato:

Welcome from the Dean of the Collegio Carlo Alberto (CCA)

09:45 am | Gerd Gigerenzer:

Welcome and Introduction

10:00 am | Riccardo Viale:

Bounded rationality, enactive problem solving, and the neuroscience of social interaction

10:30 am | Coffee break

11:00 am | Jochen Reb & Shenghua Luan:

Advancing Business: A Preview of “Smart Heuristics: Management in a World of Uncertainty”

11:30 am | Karin Binder:

How to train medical and law students in Bayesian reasoning

12:00 pm| Simone Guercini:

Automation and heuristics in programmatic advertising

12:30 pm | Lunch

03:00 pm | Hal Arkes:

Decision Making by Forensic Science Professionals

03:30 pm | Leonidas Spiliopoulos:

Heuristics and Games, Imitation

04:00 pm | Short presentations:

Kai Philip Bellmann: Communicating social and environmental transformations: An investigation of how to overcome people’s preference for the status quo

Sebastian Hafenbrädl: Political polarization shapes risk-taking in a simulated pandemic outbreak

04:30 pm | Jean Czerlinski Ortega:

Gaming Models

05:00 pm | Coffee break

05:30 pm | Peter Todd:

Thinking more about the Future


Thursday 22 June

09:00 am | Gerd Gigerenzer:

The Intelligence of Intuition

09:30 am | Massimo Egidi:

When behavior guided by ideological frameworks and social norms results in cooperative, forwardlooking rationality.

10:00 am |  Ulrich Hoffrage:

The wisdom-of-theinner-crowd: From Hegelian dialecticalbootstrapping to Fermian guesstimation. (Gomilsek, Hoffrage, & Marewski)

10:30 am | Coffee break

11:00 am | Reza Kheirandish:

Is there a Misunderstanding of Hypothesis Testing in Statistics Curriculum in Business Calls?

11:30 am | Valerio Capraro:

The dual-process approach to human sociality: A quantitative review

12:00 pm | Short presentations:

Giovanni Dusi: Reliabilist Epistemology Meets Bounded Rationality

Veronica Cucchiarini: Biases in entrepreneurship: Bad or good?

12:30 pm | Lunch

02:00 pm | Jean Czerlinski Ortega: GPT-4

1. Andreas Ortmann: Capabilities of LLMs: kinds of intelligence and common sense vs. minor failures vs. major failures

2. Valerio Capraro: Possible LLM impacts on society

3. Peter Todd: How LLMs work

4. Discussion

03:30 pm | Time to explore Turin


Friday 23 June

09:00 am | Florian Artinger:

As-if and process models of labor provision: a case study of the taxi market

09:30 am | Hansjörg Neth:

Growing new branches on FFTs

10:00 am | Julian Marewski:

Simple rules for leadership (and strategy)

10:30 am | Coffee break

11:00 am | Andreas Ortmann:

What I’ve been up to lately

11:30 am | Laura Macchi:

Insight Problem Solving beyond Biases in Reasoning and Decision Making

12:30 pm | Lunch

03:00 pm | Niklas Keller:

Simply Rational: Tales from the Wild (cont.)

03:30 pm | Giovanni Dosi:

Rational heuristics? Expectations and behaviors in evolving economies with heterogeneous interacting agents

04:00 pm | Short presentations:

Stephanie Kurzenhäuser-Carstens: Recovery decisions, risk perception and transparency

Martina Barjaková: Experimental investigations of judgements about combined risks