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Workshop: “Decentralized Markets with Informational Asymmetries”

25 November 2016 - 26 November 2016


  • Past event


25 November 2016
26 November 2016
Event Category:

Friday November 25th

9:00 9:25 Welcome coffee
9:25 9:30 Welcome address
9:30 10:40 Juan Ortner (Boston University) “Collusion in Auctions with Constrained Bids: Theory and Evidence from Public Procurement”
10:40 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 12:10 William Fuchs (University of California Berkeley) “Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values”
12:10 13:20 Kyungmin Kim (University of Miami) “Trading dynamics with private buyer signals in the market for lemons” and “Information spillovers and aggregation in the market for lemons”
13:20 14:20 Lunch
14:40 15:50 Yuliy Sannikov (Princeton University) “Dynamic Trading: Price Inertia and Front-Running”
15:50 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 17:30 Braz Ministerio de Camargo (Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV) “Efficiency in Decentralized Markets with Aggregate Uncertainty”
20:00 Dinner

Saturday November 26th

9:00 9:30 Welcome coffee
9:30 10:40 Bhaskar V (University of Texas at Austin) “The design of credit information systems”
10:40 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 12:10 Francesc Dilme (University of Bonn) “Bargaining and Competition in Small Markets”
12:10 13:20 Piero Gottardi (European University Institute) “Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons”
13:20 14:40 Lunch
14:40 15:50 Anton Tsoy (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) “Over-the-Counter Markets with Bargaining Delays: the Role of Public Information”
15:50 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 17:30 Mehmet Ekmekci (Boston College) “Reputation and Screening in a Noisy Environment with Irreversible Actions”
20:00 Dinner