Occasional Seminars

Occasional Seminars

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[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Giulia Briselli (UniTO and Collegio Carlo Alberto)

Mock Job Market Talk: "One Bed, Two Dreams: Female Migration, Conservative Norms and Foreign Brides in South Korea" Abstract. Low fertility and decreasing marriage rates characterize most of developed economies nowadays, as these issues are a central target for policy makers. In this paper, I study how internal migration affects a country’s marriage market. In…

[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense Session

9.30 Diego Lamorea Title: Systematic cash flow shocks and corporate policies 10.15 Lorenzo Notaro Title: Games for Baire functions 11.00 Francesco Bilotta Titolo: Economic Applications of Universal Coalgebra 11.45 Tommaso Martini Title: A cumulant approach for the First passage time problem of the geometric brownian motion