[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Statistical methods for precise medicine”
CLUstering: Bayesian Partition Models for Precise Medicine
[Academic Events] Workshop WICK#10 PhD Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge
PhD Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on Horizon Risks and Corporate Policies
Organized by LTI@UniTO and ESOMAS, University of Turin
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on Contracts, Incentives and Information (Second Edition)
joint with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
[Academic Events] Workshop 8th OEET Workshop: A fragmenting global economy
Emerging economies, economic and geo-political shocks, international trade and investment agreements
[Academic Events] Workshop International Workshop Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion and Competition Policy: Legal and Economic Approaches
Organized by the University of Torino, Collegio Carlo Alberto and Bank of Italy
[Academic Events] Workshop 15th PhD Workshop in Economics
Organized by the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics
[Academic Events] Workshop 5th Asset Pricing Conference by LTI@UniTO
hosted by the Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop International Workshop on Gender and Education
Organised by Collegio Carlo Alberto, INVALSI, University of Torino, and University of Trento
[Academic Events] Workshop Fifth Foundational Economy Conference
Foundational Economy, Social Innovation and Public Action
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on “Long-term investors’ trends: theory and practice”
Organized by LTI@UniTO and Bank of Italy
[Academic Events] Workshop NASP-CCA Days 2022: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Science
A NASP project with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Program Evaluation and Individual Outcomes”
Organized by CHILD and the Impact Evaluation Unit
[Academic Events] Workshop II Biannual Workshop: “Technological Change, Health, Inequality and Data for Policy Evaluation”
organized by LABORatorio Revelli and Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop WICK#9 – PhD Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge
organized by Economics and Complexity VPDE PhD students
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Geographies of the law. Inquiries into the space-law tangle “
Organized with the support of Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop Conference “Social mobility. A multidisciplinary perspective”
organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on Contracts, Incentives and Information
joint with the Centre for Economic Policy Research