Research team
Daniela Del Boca (Collegio Carlo Alberto - Principal Investigator)
Marta Angelici (Bocconi University)
Stefania Basiglio (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Noemi Oggero (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Paola Profeta (Bocconi University)
Maria Cristina Rossi (Collegio Carlo Alberto and Università di Torino)
Claudia Villosio (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Rights, Equality & Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union
October 2018 – June 2021
Department of Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Lead Partner
Collegio Carlo Alberto
The project’s aim is to raise women’s awareness on one of the root causes of gender pension gap and of potential ways to address it. It focuses on increasing female knowledge on the long term effects of labor market participation gaps over the life cycle and on the importance of planning retirement all over the life cycle.
Awareness activities are designed, tested and carried on different cohorts of women so as to achieve a long-term impact of decisions made in different moments of the life-cycle.
CLEAR plans to evaluate with rigorous and scientific methods whether information and advice provided to women affect their knowledge, behavior and decisions. The partners will also analyze which type of information has the higher probability to be effective, in order to reduce the gender pension gap and old-age poverty risk for women.
More info at
Twitter: @ClearProgettoeu
Facebook: @ClearREC2019
Presentazione del progetto CLEAR (Video a cura del Dipartimento Pari Opportunità)
Tutorial 1 | Legame tra mercato del lavoro e pensioni
Tutorial 2 | Sistema pensionistico
Tutorial 3 | Legame tra pensioni, ricchezza e risparmi
Saving, Wealth and Pension Income