The Promoting Committee of the Turin Local Committee “TOLC@CCA” (TOLC), established within the Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto (CCA), is a joint initiative of the Piedmont Region, City of Turin, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, University and Politecnico of Turin, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Unioncamere Piemonte, Turin Industrial Union, Legacoop.

The Committee provides strategic inputs and oversees the organization of the International Festival of Economics (FIE), in synergy with Gius. Laterza & Figli S.P.A. (Laterza), the Editorial Committee and the Festival’s Scientific Director.

TOLC is in charge of:

  1. liaising with Laterza, the Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee for the realization of FIE;
  2. overseeing the implementation of FIE’s activities, in agreement with Laterza and the Scientific Director, and in collaboration with CCA’s staff and management;
  3. proposing and organizing events at the Festival, in agreement with FIE’s Scientific Director and Laterza.

TOLC’s governance members are:

Giorgio Barba Navaretti, President
Pietro Garibaldi, Coordinator
Paolo Mulassano, Vice coordinator
Paolo Campolonghi, Secretary


Gli enti promotori del TOLC

Gli sponsor del TOLC