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Francesca Pongiglione

15 April 2013 @ 12:45


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15 April 2013
Event Category:

“Reciprocity or strategy? An analysis of motivation behind conditional cooperation”


The goal of this research is the understanding of the dynamics that lead to the rise of motivation to cooperate under limited information about what other people involved are doing. This research is a part of a broader project that analyses motivation for adopting pro-environmental behaviour: climate change is the kind of social issue that cannot be tackled if a great majority of actors (such as citizens, institutions, governments) do not seriously commit to it. Thus, the contribution of individuals cannot do much if “bigger actors” fail to take action. Motivated by such considerations, I attempt to observe the dynamics of reciprocation in an experimental context. I will illustrate a pilot experiment that was run in February 2013 with 4 groups of 8 players. The experimental pattern is a repeated round public goods game with a minimum donation target (threshold public goods game). Each player received 20 tokens of initial endowment. The donation target consisted of 60 tokens. Players belonging to group 1 and 2 played with a different pattern than players from groups 3 and 4. Preliminary results will be discussed.