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Lorenzo Schoenleber (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)

14 January 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:15


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14 January 2020
12:00 - 13:15
Event Category:
Academic Events

“Correlations, Value Factor Returns, and Growth Options”

Abstract: Ex ante (expected) average equity market correlation is linked to the differential correlation dynamics of growth and value firms, as well as the value premium. It predicts the value premium, returns of growth and value firms, and the level of growth options within an economy for horizons up to one year. A production-based asset-pricing model supports the existence of a homogeneous correlation among stocks with similar growth characteristics, depending on the prevailing idiosyncratic firm variance, increasing in the value of growth options and, hence, is connected to the value premium. Due to its link to growth options and the value premium, implied correlation serves as a leading procyclical state variable. Value Index–based implied correlations improve the predictability of value-relate factors.