Marlon Seror (Paris School of Economics)
10 February 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:15
- Past event
“Industrial clusters in the long run: Evidence from Million-Rouble plants in China”
Abstract: This paper identifies the negative spillovers exerted by large, successful factories on other local production units in China. A short-lived cooperation program between the U.S.S.R. and China led to the construction of 156 “Million-Rouble plants” in the 1950s. The identification exploits the ephemeral geopolitical context and exogenous variation in location decisions due to the relative position of allied and enemy airbases. We find a rise-and-fall pattern in counties hosting a factory and show that (over-) specialization explains their long-run decline. The analysis of production linkages shows that a very large cluster of non-innovative establishments enjoy technological rents along the production chain of Million-Rouble plants. This industrial concentration reduces the local supply of entrepreneurs.