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[Academic Events] Occasional Seminars Allievi Defense

JUNIOR ALLIEVI 9.30: Ludovico De Fazio Title: The impact of immigration on the destination economy 10.00: Federico Boscaino Title: The international trade: effects on global growth and the case of developing…

[Hosted Events] Hosted events Master Class: Risk Literacy and Medical Decision Making

Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, Italy

La Master Class in Risk Literacy in ambito sanitario è organizzata dalla Herbert Simon Society in collaborazione con il CIT-Cognitive Insights Team.

Sarà tenuta da LAURA MARTIGNON (Università di Ludwigsburg), specializzata in educazione matematica, modellizzazioni e processi decisionali applicati in contesti scientifici interdisciplinari, e da SHABNAM MOUSAVI (Max Planck Institute and President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics).