LTI@UniTO is pleased to announce the availability of 9 Research Fellowships for the year 2019
Long-Term Investors@UniTo (LTI@UniTO) is pleased to announce the availability of
9 Research Fellowships for the year 2019
LTI@UniTO is a think tank established as a joint initiative of the Università di Torino and of the major Italian market players in long term financing. Through the Fellowship program,
LTI@UniTO aims to foster research in long-term investing and to assess its features, perspectives, contribution to growth and stability.
The think tank supports independent research and informs the debate between long-term investors and policymakers. It takes advantage of the EFFIO (European Foundation Financial and Investment Officers Group) survey data on long term investment policies of European foundations.
Candidates must send their application (CV + research program, approximately 2 pages) to before midnight, ECT, March 21st, 2019. For further information, please contact