[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on Contracts, Incentives and Information
joint with the Centre for Economic Policy Research
[Academic Events] Workshop 14th VPDE PhD Workshop in Economics
Organized by VPDE PhD students
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Why Financial Literacy is increasingly important and increasingly multifaceted”
Organized by CeRP & Collegio Carlo Alberto in collaboration with SIE
[Academic Events] Workshop 4th Asset Pricing Conference by LTI@UniTO
hosted by Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop Joint Workshop on Gender and Mathematics
organized by INVALSI, Collegio Carlo Alberto, and University of Torino
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop on “Stochastic Games with Partial and Asymmetric Information”
Workshop on Stochastic Games with Partial and Asymmetric Information
[Academic Events] Workshop NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences
NASP – CCA Days 2021: Frontiers of Methods in Social and Political Sciences NASP - CCA Days is jointly organised by the Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Ph.D. programs in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies (ESLS) and Political Studies (POLS) at the University of Milan. Its aim is twofold. First, it offers NASP students training on the frontier of…
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop: “Dynamic Games and Incentives”
The workshop brings together microeconomic theorists from around the world. The focus is on how information shapes agents' incentives in dynamic settings.
[Academic Events] Workshop Workshop “Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer”
Online workshop organized by Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto "Has Covid-19 wounded interpersonal trust? Six papers in search of an answer" Presenters: Pierluigi Conzo et al. (CCA, Unito) Gianmarco Daniele & Francesco Passarelli (Bocconi, Unito) Sergio Loiacono et al. (Utrecht) Moreno Mancosu et. al (CCA, Unito) Dag Wollebaek (Institute for Social Research, Oslo) Organisers: Diego Gambetta…
[Academic Events] Workshop 2nd LTI/Bank of Italy Workshop on “Long-term investors’ trends: theory and practice”
An initiative by LTI@UniTO and the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research of the Bank of Italy
[Outreach Events] Workshop Digitalizzazione del settore Automotive in Italia: approcci, benefici e sfide per la crescita
Webinar di presentazione della ricerca
[Academic Events] Workshop Methods and Models of Kinetic Theory – Winter Prelude
The 10th edition of the Summer School on “Methods and Models of Kinetic Theory” M&MKT2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19 emergency. All the speakers scheduled in M&MKT2020 already confirmed their presence to the next edition of the Summer School, which has been rescheduled in June 2022, with the usual format, at least we hope…
[Academic Events] Workshop 13th PhD Workshop in Economics
Collegio Carlo Alberto – University of Torino
[Academic Events] Workshop WICK#8 Workshop
PhD workshop organized by YSI and Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop Climate Change, Credit Risk and Covid-19
Organised by LTI@UniTO and EDHEC-Risk Institute
[Outreach Events] Workshop “Affrontare il divario di genere in matematica in Piemonte”
Organizzato da Università di Torino e Collegio Carlo Alberto
[Academic Events] Workshop LTI@Unito 3rd Asset Pricing Conference
One-day online conference
[Academic Events] Workshop Restricted Internal Event: Covid-19 Projects Financed by CCA
Internal Presentations
[Academic Events] Workshop NASP-Collegio Carlo Alberto Days 2020
organizaed by he Ph.D. programs in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies and Political Studies at the University of Milan and CCA